Contents and Standards


Read with developing fluency a variety of texts, such as novels, short stories, poetry, plays, textbooks, manuals and periodicals.



Respond to a variety of oral, visual, written, and electronic texts by making connections to their personal lives and the lives of others.



Write fluently for multiple purposes to produce compositions, such as personal narratives, persuasive essays, lab reports, and poetry.



 Recognize and use author’s techniques that convey meaning and build empathy with the readers when composing their own texts.



Plan and draft texts, and revise and edit their own writing, and help others revise and edit their texts in such areas as content, perspective, and effect.



Select appropriate strategies to construct meaning while reading, listening to, viewing, or creating texts.



Express their responses and make connections between oral, visual, written, and electronic texts and their own lives.



Recognize and use levels of discourse appropriate for varied contexts, purposes, audiences, including terminology specific to a particular field.



Select, read, listen to, view, and respond thoughtfully to both classic and contemporary texts recognized for quality literary merit.



Investigate and demonstrate understanding of cultural contexts and historical contexts of themes, issues, and common heritage as depicted in literary texts.



Use a combination of strategies when encountering unfamiliar texts while constructing meaning.



Demonstrate a variety of strategies for planning, drafting, and editing several different forms of text for specific purposes.



Select and use mechanics that enhance and clarify understanding.



Identify and use aspects of the craft of the speaker, writer, and illustrator to formulate and express their ideas artistically.



Explain how the characteristics of various oral, visual, and written texts and textual aids they employ are used to convey meaning.



Analyze themes and central ideas in literature and other texts in relation to issues in their own lives.



Explain and use resources that are most appropriate and readily available for investigating a particular question or topic.



Organize, analyze, and synthesize information to draw conclusions and implications based on their investigation of a question or problem.


R.WS.08.06  Read fluently eighth grade level texts (increasingly demanding texts read with fluency as the year proceeds).


R.WS.08.07  Use strategies (e.g., prior knowledge, text features, structures) and authentic content-related resources to determine the meaning of words and phrases in context (e.g., historical terms, content area vocabulary, literary terms).


R.CM.08.01  Connect personal knowledge, experience, and understanding of the world to themes and perspectives in the text.


W.PR.08.02  Apply a variety of pre-writing strategies for narrative text (e.g., story maps designed to depict rising and falling actions, roles of minor characters, credibility of narrator) and informational text (e.g., compare/contrast, cause and effect, sequential text patterns).


W.PR.08.04  Review and revise their compositions for coherence and consistency regarding word choice, cause and effect, and style, and they will read their own work from another reader’s perspective in the interest of clarity.


W.PR.08.05  Edit their writing using proofreaders’ checklists both individually and in peer editing group.


L.RP.08.02  Respond thoughtfully to both classic and contemporary texts recognized for quality and literary merit.